Common Fire Sprinkler Problems

5 Common Fire Sprinkler Problems and How to Fix Them

Fire sprinkler systems are essential for safeguarding homes and businesses from fire hazards. However, like any mechanical system, they can develop problems over time. That’s why sprinkler repairs and maintenance are essential for ensuring the system functions as intended during an emergency. Even some of the more minor common fire sprinkler problems can lead to system failure if left unchecked. Luckily, however, these issues leave clues that can be easily identified through regular inspections and testing from a qualified fire protection technician. In this article, we’ll show how are fire sprinkler system failures are usually caused by a wide variety of things.

A leaking fire sprinkler head is one of the most common problems a sprinkler system can have. It’s often caused by corrosion, wear and tear, or physical damage to the sprinkler head itself.

Damage To Fire Sprinkler
This fire sprinkler head was leaking

Signs of a Leaking Sprinkler Head:

  • Visible drips or puddles around the sprinkler
  • Water stains on the ceiling or walls
  • A drop in water pressure in the system

How to Fix:

  1. Identify the Source: Ensure the leak is coming from the sprinkler head and NOT nearby pipes or connections.
  2. Turn Off the Water Supply: Before performing any fire sprinkler repair, ensure the water to the system is shut off to prevent further leakage.
  3. Replace the Sprinkler Head: Replacing the damaged or corroded sprinkler head will resolve this issue. Make sure to use a compatible replacement part that matches the type of sprinkler system.
  4. Call a Professional: If you are unsure about the system’s condition or if multiple heads are leaking, it’s best to consult a fire sprinkler repair specialist.

Corrosion inside fire sprinkler pipes is common, especially in older systems. If left unchecked, corrosion can cause blockages, leaks, or even complete system failure.

Signs of Pipe Corrosion:

  • Rust-colored water when the sprinkler system is activated
  • Leaks or cracks in the pipes
  • Reduced water pressure in the system

How to Fix:

  1. Inspect the Pipes: Look for any visible signs of rust or corrosion. Your technician should check for this during inspections.
  2. Replace Affected Sections: In minor cases of corrosion, it may be possible to replace only the corroded sections of the pipe. However, replacing larger sections or even the entire pipe network may be necessary if corrosion is widespread.
  3. Consider Pipelining: For some less-damaged systems, pipelining can coat the inside of the pipes and prevent further leaks.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance checks can help catch corrosion early before it leads to more significant problems.

A pipe burst is one of the most serious problems for a fire sprinkler system. It often occurs in cold climates when pipes freeze and crack, but it can also result from damage due to corrosion. Fire Sprinkler pipes in freezing temperatures can go on and burst in this type of environment.

Causes of a Pipe Burst:

  • Freezing temperatures cause water to expand inside the pipes
  • Corrosion can weaken the pipe structure over time
  • Improper installation or physical damage to the pipes

How to Fix:

  1. Shut Off the System: Immediately turn off the system’s water supply to prevent further water damage and flooding.
  2. Locate the Burst: Inspect the system to identify the exact location of the burst. If the pipe is hidden behind a wall or ceiling, professional assistance may be required.
  3. Replace the Pipe: Once the burst section is located, it must be replaced. In some cases, additional sections may need to be replaced if they show signs of stress or wear.
  4. Winterize the System: If freezing temperatures cause a burst, it may be necessary to winterize the system. This may include adding insulation around the pipes or installing a dry pipe system in areas prone to freezing.

Control valves regulate the flow of water to your fire sprinkler system. If these valves become damaged or stuck, your system may fail to function correctly.

Signs of a Faulty Valve:

  • Difficulty opening or closing the valve
  • Visible signs of wear, corrosion, or rust on the valve
  • The system is not responding correctly during tests

How to Fix:

  1. Inspect the Valve: Check the control valve for visible signs of wear or damage. Ensure the valve is in the correct position (open) to allow water flow to the system.
  2. Remove Debris: In some cases, valves may stick due to debris buildup. Regular maintenance can prevent this.
  3. Replace the Valve: If the valve is significantly damaged or corroded, it will likely need to be replaced.
  4. Monitor the System: Regular testing and inspection of the valves should be part of your routine maintenance.

Modern fire sprinkler systems often include an electronic control panel that monitors system performance and triggers alarms in the event of a fire. Electrical malfunctions in the control panel can prevent the system from activating when needed.

Signs of Control Panel Issues:

  • Alarms or alerts on the panel indicating a malfunction
  • The system not responding during a test
  • False alarms or failure to activate

How to Fix:

  1. Check Power Supply: Ensure that the control panel is receiving power. Sometimes, a tripped breaker or blown fuse can cause the panel to lose functionality.
  2. Reset the System: Try resetting the control panel to see if this resolves the issue. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct reset procedure.
  3. Inspect for Damage: Look for any visible damage to wiring, circuits, or the panel itself. A licensed professional should always handle electrical damage.
  4. Replace Faulty Components: If specific components within the control system malfunction, they may need to be replaced.
fire sprinkler control panel
fire sprinkler control panel

While these problems are all fairly common, human error is, by far, the leading issue facing fire sprinkler systems. In fact, human error accounts for over 90% of fire sprinkler failures due to either neglected maintenance, the system simply being turned off, or another related issue. Teaming up with a trusted fire protection company like KORD can help ensure your system functions properly.

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